Tech Star: Susan Chovanec (BJH)

Computers research occurs DAILY in Mrs. Chovanec's room
Mrs. Susan Chovanec, BJH Yearbook Coordinator and Career Portals teacher, makes technology integration look so easy! 

Recently, her Career Portal students were working on a unit related to the career cluster "Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security."  Students researched specific jobs within this cluster and designed Animoto presentations that included images, job descriptions, education requirements, and salary expectations.  The products looked so professional, they could easily have been used as a TV commercial! To truly immerse her students in the cluster, students performed mock trials for the Three Little Pigs and Red Riding Hood.  Word processing skills were taught to create scripts used in the trials.  Students consistently use Brenham ISD Gmail to communicate with Mrs. Chovanec and turn in projects.  These learners can design a power point presentation better than most adults and say Voki is one of their favorite web 2.0 tools.  Like the student in the photo, research skills are improved as they ask questions and figure out what search terms deliver the best results.  Technology is not something "extra" in this well disciplined and productive class.  Students are expected to advance their skills as digital learners.

Thank you, Mrs. Chovanec, for creating a 21st Century Classroom!
