Tech Star: Tameka Raven (BJH)

The best of both worlds..... that is how I must describe the library at Brenham Junior High.  When you enter, you will notice that librarian, Tameka Raven, keeps the most up to date books for students to read.  Stay a while and you will see that she incorporates technology will ease into every lesson.  Having to teach 12 - 14 classes everyday can be trying on the vocal cords.  Mrs. Raven has been recording her lessons during the past two years and now has a great selection of library lessons for students to watch.  Research skills, poetry, or a review of great books are just a few examples.

Looking to continue expanding the technology role in the library, Mrs. Raven is in the process of acquiring eBooks for student use.  She manages the school website and helps teachers plan their use of the computer lab.  Organized, helpful, and dedicated, Mrs. Raven is important facilitator of technology integration at Brenham Junior High.  Congratulations, Mrs. Raven for being chosen as this week's Tech Star.  You deserve it!
