Making Connections Monday: Will Corn, BHS Stu Co President, asks "How many lives can I better with my own?"

Will Corn, Brenham High School Student Body President, recently delivered a heartfelt and compelling speech to Brenham ISD teachers at the convocation ceremony for the new school year. He expressed his philosophy that when you go out of your way to help others, it will come back to you. Will thanked BISD teachers for believing in him, investing in him, and supporting him. He acknowledged that he would not be where he is today without the influence from his teachers and peers. His speech, which was delivered without any notes and spoken straight from the heart, ended with a roaring standing ovation from the crowd.

Will admitted that he hasn’t always been a stellar student. “I was just a kid with a big mouth in a big school and it made me feel small,” he shared. Positive influence from peers and teachers who took the time to give him advice and encouragement prompted Will to make a change, pay it forward, and run for class officer. After losing the race for President in his sophomore year, he vowed to work harder than anyone else the following year. He bought as many posters as he could at the dollar store to maximize his twenty dollar campaign budget and ultimately secured the victory. Will believed he had one more chance for real change at Brenham High School and he didn’t waste a second getting started.

Will recently formed the Brenham High School Student Senate, a Student Council-led initiative to promote cooperation, togetherness, and excellence among the clubs of BHS. Each BHS club is invited to send delegates and a sponsor to meet once a month to identify local needs and plan assistance. Will’s dream is that the Student Senate would cooperate in school-wide community service projects. The inspiration for this initiative came during the rainstorms last year. Will felt this was a call for him to put something in place for community assistance should something like this happen in our community again. There has never been an initiative like this at BHS and Will feels confident that he can lay the groundwork this year for success in the future.

Will Corn asks himself two questions each day. What can I do today to better myself for the future? How many lives can I better with my own? Will hopes to attend Texas A&M University and ultimately the Bush School of Government and Public Service when he graduates from Brenham High School. When asked what he would want the community to know about Brenham High School, Will responded “Tell the community that BHS is not perfect. We’re not always the best at everything. We’re not most revered in academics or year after year of state champs. But, we’re unmatched. We are BHS. That’s what matters.”

Click here to watch Will's speech!
