T-TESS Thursday: What is T-TESS Reminder

 T-TESS at a Glance from the Association of Texas Professional Educators.

The graphic is a broad overview of the basic structure of T-TESS, beginning with the three main components of the system:
  1. The teacher and appraiser collaboration on the establishment of a goal setting and professional development plan;
  2. The evaluation cycle that consists of a pre-conference, observation(s), and post-conference; and
  3. One or more of the four student growth measure options.
The T-TESS appraisal is based on four domains made up of 16 dimensions, all of which are aligned with the Texas Teacher Standards. Each teacher will be given an evaluation rating of distinguished, accomplished, proficient, developing, or improvement needed. The T-TESS Rubric offers a more in-depth understanding of the new system.
To read more on the specifics of T-TESS, please read ATPE’s Evaluation and Responses.
