Welcome Troy Kuhn, Instructional Tech Specialist

Please welcome Troy Kuhn, Brenham ISD’s new Instructional Technology Specialist, serving BHS, BJH, and BAS. Troy comes to us with lots of experience “in the field” in addition to a Bachelor's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Texas A&M and a Master's Degree in Instructional Technology from UofH-Clear Lake.

From Troy himself:
   While I'm new to Brenham ISD, I'm neither new to Brenham or instructional technology. My family and I have lived in Brenham since 2005, and I'm originally from nearby in Columbus. I have two sons that are in fifth and third grade, and my wife is a Physician's Assistant for Scott & White here in town.
   The last seven and half years I've worked with Bryan ISD as an instructional technology specialist, primarily servicing fifteen campuses. Prior to that I taught JH social studies for more years and in more districts than I'd care to mention, before migrating into technology, first as a campus technologist, then a full time specialist.
   I'm a die hard Texas Aggie, follower of Houston sports teams, and a lifelong Willie Nelson fan. I coach the boys basketball team for First Baptist Church School, as well as my son's Little Dribblers team. And I run to try and burn off all the calories I gain from eating poppyseed kolaches and drinking Big Red and sweet tea.
