Tech Star: Kaleigh Kankel, BMS

I was thrilled when the 5th grade langauage arts team shared their plans to let students create Tagxedo word clouds using adjectives, nouns, and verbs.  Each child was assigned a letter and had to list parts of speech that began with that letter.  Then, they created a word cloud in the shape of their letter.  So cool!  I was even more impressed when I sat in on Kaleigh Kankel's first class.  The lesson was well planned, the kids were engaged, and Ms. Kankel was definitely a shining tech star.  Only have a black and white printer?!  No problem!  Ms. Kankel let her students color in their word clouds to spice them up.   The final step was to create an ABC wall outside of her classroom to display her students' efforts.  Well done, Ms. Kankel and all of 5th grade language arts.  Can't wait to see what you guys do with your Halloween spelling words!


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