Tech Star: Sarah Doelitsch (BES)

This BES kindergarten teacher is taking the world by storm with her technology skills, positive attitude, and willingness to try anything.  Sarah Doelitsch is a third-year teacher who dove headfirst into the SMART board world and never looked back!  She also keeps a class blog, Kindergarten Campers, to document what her kindergartners are doing and to keep parents informed.  In addition, Sarah had the awesome idea to record Mrs. Rocka, BES Principal, reading class books using an Easi-Speak Digital Microphone.  She then put these "audio books" on her class iPods so her students can hear a BES VIP reading to them - genius!  Not only is Sarah always looking for new and innovative ways to use technology in the classroom, she also steps up to help her colleagues.  When asked if she would be willing to lead a CoffeeBreak staff development session at BES, she cheerfully agreed and even did her homework to be prepared.  What a team player!!!  Sarah, you're amazing and truly an inspiration and a gift to your co-workers and students.  Keep up the good work!
