Tech Star: Mary Ann Miron (BHS)

Clever, imaginative, and always willing to share, Mary Ann Miron is a terrific asset to Brenham High School.  While running a full service coffee shop with students in her program, Gathering Grounds, Mrs. Miron makes use of technology.  She has purchased a netbook for students to gather business usage data in Excel.  Students use digital cameras and on online site, Smilebox, to create digital cards related to the business.  Always open to new ideas, Mrs. Miron's students participated in a video conference with professional baseball players.  They spoke about creating excellence in all endeavors.  Mrs. Miron watches webinars from Discovery Education and Simplek12 during her conference period.  The webinars are not directly related to her teaching field, but she is always seeking ideas to inspire her students.  She continually finds new ideas and then shares her knowledge through professional presentations.

Thank you, Mrs. Miron for your exceptional devotion to BHS students.
