The 2nd graders in Pam Plagens' room at Krause Elementary had fun learning about 2 dimensional shapes. Their assignment was to create a picture using various shapes. First they did it old school using construction paper, scissors and glue. Then came the really fun part! They used the Netbooks to recreate their pictures using SMART Notebook software.
You can see how engaged they were, and it was fun for me to watch them figure out how to manipulate the software to make it do what they needed for it to do.
As you can see below, some of the pictures were pretty elaborate. The finished products are hanging in the hallway outside their classroom so if you're at KES, stop by and take a look. These second graders did some pretty impressive work!
For those of you who recently received your SMART Boards, be sure and sign up for SMART Board training this summer. The real power of the SMART Board is in Notebook software. Just ask Mrs. Plagen's 2nd graders. They can tell you all about it!
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