Tech Star: Pam Young (KES)

Mrs. Pam Young, KES Music Teacher
"NOOOOOOoooooo!" is what I heard when Mrs. Young told her 3rd grade music students that their time was up. They were having so much fun playing their piano keyboards - they didn't want to stop! When you walk in to the Music room at KES, right away it becomes obvious that Mrs. Young loves technology and uses lots of it with her students. She recently got a SMART Board for her room, and she has been busy finding all sorts of fun interactive music lessons to use with it. And she does use it - every period of every day. Mrs. Young has so many great music sites for her students that she had to figure out a way to organize what did she do? She created a Music Symbaloo page. It is fun to watch her students on their keyboards creating rhythms. She controls the keyboards from a console on an eMac, and if they get too loud, she mutes them with a quick click of her remote control. They can still hear themselves with headphones, but the room is quiet. Thank you, Mrs. Young! You make music even more fun by using cool technology!
