Tech Star: April Duch, BMS

You know those people you truly enjoy being around and wish you could be more like?  April Duch is one of those people.  April always has a smile, never complains about the task at hand, and is a step ahead of everyone when it comes to running the Computer Labs at BMS.  It's like she can read your mind and she always knows just what you need - WOW!  April not only sees students in the lab, she is also in charge of scheduling for both labs, takes pictures for all special events, sets up equipment for programs, assists with pull-out programs, and handles all of the check-out and check-in of loaner equipment.  (And that's just the tip of the iceberg!)  This lady can do it all!  April, you are truly one-of-a-kind and you are invaluable to the BMS team.  Thank you for your dedication to the students, the technology, and the progress at BMS!
