Tech Star: Maggy Paramore (AES)

Do you know Maggy Paramore? If you don't, I hope you get a chance to meet her soon. She has a very sweet personality to go along with her delightful accent, and she really understands technology - she even met her husband online! One of Maggy's successes with technology is that she uses iPods as a learning tool with her Bilingual students. She sends an iPod Nano home with each one of her students every night so that they can hear and practice English outside of the classroom. And they bring them back! 2012 has been a BIG year for Maggy. She became a United States citizen and a certified teacher. She had her first baby. And she voted in the Presidential election. How's THAT for accomplishing a lot? Maggy is our BISD Tech Star for the week, and a great one to wrap up 2012 with! Congratulations, Maggy! We are proud of you and so happy that you are part of Brenham ISD!
