Motivate Me on Monday: Why do educators use Twitter?

This post is intended to motivate you to see the power of using Twitter as a professional development tool.  One year ago, I didn't even have a Twitter account and didn't really "get it."  Today, I am linked to hundreds of educators who can provide a resource, give me advice, share a contact and help me do my job better.  Recently, Sandy Kendall (@EdTechSandyK) asked her Twitter followers why they use Twitter.  Click here to read what they said.

Are you ready to tap into this awesome, FREE tool and build your professional learning network?  Not sure where to get started?  Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to create an account.  Follow your BISD Instructional Technology Specialists: @AnnDeBolt, @EdTechChic, @EdTech2Love.
