Tech Star: Tom Spall, AES

Mr. Spall ~ Tom ~ @tommyspall ~ Captain Underpants ~ Mr. Awesome

He is known by many names but he will go down in infamy as an enthusiastic, outgoing, compassionate teacher who has high expectations, a very positive attitude, and a real passion for technology. Mr. Spall is a natural teacher and a technology leader - he likes to be the first one to try any and all types of new technology. He has his 4th graders use iPads (educreations and Paper by 53 are the apps of choice) and Chromebooks (email and Google Docs primarily) on a regular basis. He recently started "Coffee Break" in the morning where his students enter the room, pick up a Chromebook and follow the directions posted on the old-school chalkboard. Usually their assignment is to check their email where they will find a positive note of encouragement and an online assignment. Mr. Spall's goal is to create a paperless classroom and he is almost there! His favorite teaching app is Paper by 53 which he uses on a daily basis to create awesome drawings to teach math and science concepts. His cool weather visualization was featured on the Made with Paper blog and announced on twitter:
If you're on the Alton campus, stop by Mr. Spall's room where a student will greet you at the door with "Welcome to Mr. Spall's class. How may I help you?" You will find happy 4th graders having an awesome learning experience with their awesome teacher!
