TCEA 2013 in Review
WOW! During the TCEA Conference, I attended a session that I will not soon forget - Cole’s Chromebook Craze presently mostly by STUDENTS at Cole High School in Fort Sam Houston ISD in San Antonio.
In the Fall of 2012, the school implemented a full 1-1 Chromebook program. Not having their homework was no longer an excuse because the Chromebooks went home with the students. They took some time to get used to because like most of us, they had M.O.S.D. - Microsoft Office Separation Disorder. A Chromebook is a personal computer running the Google Chrome OS operating system. They are designed to be used while connected to the internet and support applications that reside on the web, rather than traditional PC or MAC OS based applications.
As I am learning more and more about the advantages of having Chromebooks in my class, the students reinforced what the teachers like...promotes 21st Century skills, easy collaboration, fast start up, work can’t be lost (easily) and student work can be distributed and collected electronically - in other words, printing/copying is greatly reduced. Hooray for the Chromebook Craze!
Abigail Laskowski, 2012 WOW Teacher Brenham ISD
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