Mrs. Mouser helps a student log in to Edmodo. |
Whether it's working on the SMART Board, using Chromebooks for review, or learning a cool new Web 2.0 tool, Rebecka Mouser and her 3rd graders make school work fun! Mrs. Mouser is a 2013 WOW! Academy graduate, and she has a knack for picking up new technology skills on her own. She uses Edmodo with her students in an effort to use less paper. She has her Symbaloo webmix set as the homepage on student Chromebooks, and she and her students use Gmail to communicate. Later this week her students will get to create their own presentation using Google Slides. She has a rubric to help them show what they've learned about communication and how it has changed over the years. Mrs. Mouser is always willing to try something new. This makes 3rd grade more interesting, and it allows Mrs. Mouser to show her students that it's always good to continue learning. Thank you, Mrs. Mouser, for being a BISD Tech Star!
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