Tech Star: Andy Martin, BHS

Mr. Martin has Flipped!
Imagine this.  You walk into a high school physics classroom and there are multiple centers around the room.  Two or three lab set ups fill the tables in the back of the classroom.  Clusters of desks hold Chromebooks.  A SMARTBoard at the front of the room displays an interactive activity.  Andy Martin is achieving this dream with the implementation of "Flipped Classroom" this year.  He attended the Flipped Institute and came back with inspiration to vastly change the landscape of his classroom.  Through Google Groups, Mr. Martin posts a list of activities and check points.  Students watch short 3 minute videos of Mr. Martin explaining a concept, work sets of problems, work on labs or other activities.  The difference is that the student decides the sequence and, within guidelines, the timing of each activity to match his/her learning style.  Mr. Martin is not just a "guide on the side" as some people think.  He is actively engaged with students either in small groups and individually.  He is actually "teaching" far more now than in his traditional class.  When you see him in the hall, he might look a bit hurried or tired, but the sparkle in his eye gives away a renewed passion and commitment to make students successful and college ready.  We are proud of you, Mr. Martin! (Actual Photo to follow.)
