Tech Star: Tammy Murphy, AES

Tammy Murphy

Always learning. That's what Tammy Murphy says she is doing - always learning - right along with her Kindergartners. We owe Mrs. Murphy an apology for not recognizing her before now. She is considered an early adopter because she has always had an interest in technology and she has always been willing to try any type of new technology to help her students learn. She was one of the very first BISD teachers to earn an iPad with Tech Bucks by attending every Coffee Break session that she could. Because she has always used technology with her students effectively and easily, and because she shares her ideas and resources as a tech leader would, we assumed that she had already been recognized as a Tech Star!

Always learning. Mrs. Murphy recently came across and decided that she would take some of their online courses to learn more about different apps and technology resources.

Thank you, Mrs. Murphy, for always learning. Not only are you a great role model for your students, you are a great role model for all of us!
