Fab Find Friday: Word Clouds

Have you ever used Tagxedo or Wordle?  Looking to make fantastic "word clouds" from text you provide?  Have they stopped working correctly on your computers?  Then check out these word cloud alternatives that have plenty of options to offer:

"Tagul is a web service that enables you to create gorgeous word clouds (aka tag clouds) that you can place on your webpage or share with friends. Tagul clouds look gorgeous because of fancy features like words inside words, beautiful fonts, various cloud shapes, customizable colors, etc." -via Tagul about page

ABCya.com word clouds for kids! A word cloud is a graphical representation of word frequency. Type or paste text into the box below and press the arrow button to view the word cloud generated. The appearance of a word cloud can be altered using the graphical buttons above the cloud. It is also easy to save and/or print the cloud by simply pressing a button.

Great to use with student Chromebooks!!!  Works directly in a Google Doc!  This add-on is for you!  
