Fab Find Friday: Hour of Code is NEXT WEEK! #hourofcode #bisdwired

The Hour of Code is NEXT WEEK! Don't miss out! Don't let your students miss out! It's as easy as 1-2-3...
  1. Click here to register your event. (Click sign up, fill out the info and click Sign up.)
  2. Choose ONE HOUR next week during which your students can practice coding. (Let me know! I want to come!)
  3. Click here to fill out the form after you have participated and get your name on the leader board!
Why should you participate?!
  • There are new Star Wars and Minecraft tutorials this year - your kids will LOVE IT!
  • You don't need a device for every student ... they can work in groups or pairs or on the smartboard!
  • You don't have to know anything about coding or computers - just let your students explore!
  • Your kids will see the value in computer programming and realize there's an entire industry behind the games they play!
Click here for all of the details, tutorial videos and step-by-step instructions! Over 1700 BISD students participated last year ... don't let your kids miss out this year!!!
