New Update to Flubaroo!
From Google Help Center
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Extra Credit Questions
Flubaroo can count a question as "Extra Credit", which means the student doesn't lose any points if they get the question incorrect.
For example, say you have four questions that are 1 point each, and one "extra credit" question for 1 point. The total points possible will 4 points, but a student may earn up to 5 points on the assignment (5 / 4 = 125%) if they get the extra credit question correct. Similarly they could earn a perfect score (4 / 4 = 100%) if they miss one question but get the extra credit question correct.
The ability to mark questions as Extra Credit is not enabled by default. To enable it, first go to the Advanced Options menu
Next, check the box entitled "Allow extra credit when assigning points to questions":
After you click "Submit", grade your assignment and you will see an "Extra Credit" column in Step 1 of grading:
Important Notes:
- Disabling the extra credit feature in the Advanced Options menu will not affect questions that were already marked as extra credit. To remove extra credit, you must re-grade the assignment and uncheck the box in Step 1 of grading.
- There is currently no notification in the emails or doc shared with students that a particular question was an extra credit one. To make this clear, you may wish to indicate this somewhere in the question text (i.e. "This is an extra credit question").
Already a great Google add-on, the latest update to Flubaroo enables automatic grading and emailing of grades.
This new autograde option in Flubaroo allows the teacher to have their students automatically receive their scores after submitting their responses to quizzes created in Google Forms. Students will receive an email with their scores and (if you choose) the answer key.
To use autograding in Flubaroo, the teacher will still have to set an answer key and grade at least one submission before autograding will work. Click here for a complete set of directions on enabling autograding in Flubaroo.
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