Making Connections Monday: Have you heard about S-cubed at #BJHwired?! #IChooseBrenham #BISDwired #BISDconnect

Brenham Junior High students are benefitting greatly from a new tutoring program called S Cubed, Students Serving Students. This program was developed by Suzette Evans, BJH math teacher, for students in her math class, but has evolved into a campus-wide initiative encompassing all content areas. Chris Robertson, BJH social studies teacher, and Heather Myers, BJH math teacher, have come on board to help ensure that as many students as possible are served by this program. “Our goal is to have one-on-one tutoring for students by students,” said Robertson.

Anywhere from 30-50 Brenham Junior High students attend S Cubed after school each Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday until 4:45pm. Snacks are provided and students are assigned to content-specific rooms where they are paired with student tutors to work on homework assignments, skills being covered in class, and general study habits. “Our big goal is to help teach these kids how to study, how to be good students, and to see the joys in learning” shared Myers.

According to Evans, some students who were initially required to participate in the program now voluntarily attend and have even reached out to other students to introduce them to the process. She also stated that the program’s success is due to the diligence and compassion of Robertson and Myers. “You cannot imagine what they do. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday they sacrifice their conference time to get everything ready. They also report at 3:30 and stay until after 5:00 setting up, signing kids up and taking everything down,” Evans said. She described Robertson as having “more compassion in his fingernail than most have in a lifetime” and Myers as “a Tasmanian Devil who has energy for days.”

Thanks to help from the BHS National Honor Society and the BJH National Junior Honor Society, S Cubed has been able to secure several student tutors. However, the S Cubed Committee would love to have community volunteers assist with tutoring and facilitation of the program. In addition, they are seeking sponsors to help offset the cost of providing snacks and drinks for participants. For more information on how to get involved, please contact Chris Robertson at or Heather Myers at


  1. Students can not wait to show me what they have accomplished each week. 6 students came to me this week and told me that they got 100's on their science test. They were so proud! I am so proud of them! This program will get more and more effective. Putnam, Kamenicky, Shaer, are a few of the faces that keep our ball rolling. Mrs. Raven is our curriculum organizer. We have so many amazing teachers at the Jr. High. Each deparment creates study activities for the kids each week. The teachers and the volunteers are the reason we are seeing the success we are seeing in the program. I can not wait to see where this leads. Get this!!! Officer Raven has cordinated with Prairie View ATM students who will be coming and working with the kids as well. GO BJHS TEACHERS!!!!! YOU ROCK!


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