Web Tool Wednesday: Alice Keeler QuickShare Screenshot Extension

If you are browsing and find something exciting to share with your students, then imagine being able to screenshot and share that image with your students instantly. Now, you can with this quick share screenshot extension. With the extension, you click on it and it automatically gives you a picture of the full screen or partial screen. That image is instantly saved into your Google Drive (in a folder called QuickShare Screenshots). Also, the image link is copied to your clipboard as soon as you screenshot the page. This means you could go to Google Classroom and paste the link for students to access immediately. Check out the image of the folder that stores all of the quick share screenshots in your drive.

Click on this link- 
to get the extension now. 

*TIP: Find the QuickShare folder in Google Drive. Change the sharing settings to "Anyone with the link can view." This is a one-time thing to do. This allows the screenshots you share to be viewed.
