Monday Reflections with Students: Kendall & Caden

Monday Reflections with Kendall (left) & Caden (right)

K- Kendall Smidovec
C- Caden Warmke

What are you most looking forward to in your senior year?
K- building onto my college resume
C- making memories

What advice do you give freshman?
K- Give it all 110 percent because it will all matter in the end.
C- Take your time. Don't blow off your work.

What is your favorite part of Brenham High School?
C- livestock judging and representing Brenham

What do you most like when teachers do?
K- when they (teachers) make the lesson easy to relate to, when they bring it to the real world
C- when the teachers are not serious all the time, they joke around

What is one thing you wish you could change or add to BHS?
K- have a livestock class or student/independent project class
C- no ID's
