T-TESS Thursday: Posting Goals on Your Classroom Door

Posting T-TESS Goals

A few days ago, I saw a picture on Twitter that I thought was a great idea. Amy Snyder @SnySciCHS  (a chemistry teacher) had her goals posted on the outside of her door. She encouraged visitors to come inside, observe, and give feedback. I thought this was a wonderful idea and re-tweeted it. 

Why is this such an awesome idea? As educators, we can only get better by continuing to adapt and change our instruction to best fit what our students need. What better way to know which direction to go, then to ask for feedback from colleagues, visitors, administrators, and students. We can definitely improve our teaching and score higher on our TTESS evaluations if we are listening to feedback, and then using the feedback to improve instruction. Watch out accomplished and distinguished, here we come!

A few of my colleagues thought it was a great idea, too. Pretty soon, the idea got tossed out to make it happen in our district. We are getting our goals posted on our doors (see mine below). Hopefully, it will catch on throughout the district, and soon, we will have goals on every one's door encouraging feedback. Thank you, Amy, for inspiring us all!

Have you posted your goals on your door? We would love to see pictures of your goals posted outside your classroom in our comments below.
