Monday Reflections with Tori Bosse
What are you liking the most about BHS right now?
I really love the atmosphere of Brenham High School this year. Everybody is getting involved and showing pride in our school.
What lesson have you enjoyed the most in your classes?
I have enjoyed learning more about European History in Mrs. Fielding’s class.
What technology tool do you most like using in class?
I enjoy using chromebooks to work on notes and projects in class.
What is one thing that you appreciate when teachers do?
I appreciate when they take the time to discuss and explain our lessons in class. I feel like I get more out of the lessons that way.
In the past week, what is one new concept to you that you learned in class?
We are learning about the differences between socialist and communist, and how each affects the country’s economy in AP European History.
What are you looking forward to this school year?
I am looking forward to spending time with my friends and enjoying my last year of high school with them.
What are your plans after high school?
I plan to attend Texas A&M University and major in business management.
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