Teaching Tip Tuesday: How BHS Students Inspire Others

PALs at BHS is Inspiring Others
If you have been in the hallways of Brenham High School lately, then you probably noticed that there are a lot of hand-written signs posted. These signs are words of inspiration written by students for students at BHS. Here are a couple of pictures of the signs (I found these in places students may notice more often- above water fountains, in bathrooms, beside the stairs)-

I love reading the signs because they all have a different quotes on them, and I enjoy being inspired.

A few weeks ago, I noticed that one of our community members visited our school and noticed the signs, too. She actually posted about it on her Facebook. I asked her if I could use her post, and she said I could. Read her inspiring post below-
Not only were these inspirational signs reaching the students at BHS, but they were reaching our community members who visit our school.

I also was told that these signs have inspired other students who visit our school for athletic events. In a blog article by Beth Werrell, she reminds us "contemplating positive quotes for a few minutes daily can help students view situations in a new light and remind them to maintain a positive attitude." We all need positive quotes throughout the day to keep us going.

Who exactly is behind these signs? It is the PALs group at Brenham High School led by Steve Puckett. I caught up with Coach Puckett and asked him a little bit about PALs. PAL stands for Peer Assistant Leadership. PALs is a group of students that go through an application process/points system to be in this mentoring leadership group. Once selected, the students build a trusting relationship with each other through team building and talking. Then students go to the other campuses in the district and mentor. This group is focused primarily on behaviors, counseling, and relationships with the younger students. Monday, the students meet on BHS campus, Tuesday-Thursday, the students mentor one on one or in groups with students from PK-12th grade, and on Friday the students come back as a group on the high school campus to reflect on the week. The students in these two classes affirm each other (from Capturing Kids' Hearts) with notes and positive words. Check out some of the pictures of the room they meet at-

Next time you are at Brenham High School, be sure to look for the signs from PALs and maybe you will be inspired or cheered up!

Want to know more about this group? Check out this PALs website here. You can also contact Coach Puckett or talk to some of the students in PALs.
