Web Tool Wednesday: When are all these Twitter Chats?

Twitter Chats
So, you are on Twitter, but are you using it to its full potential? Are you involved in a Twitter Chat? Have you just not found a Twitter Chat that is helpful. Not only are Twitter Chats good to participate in, but good to post and lurk to find out information on a certain topic. Check out the suggestions below.

#kinderchat- Kinder Teachers this chat is just for you. Check it out on Mondays at 8pm CT.

#sschat- Social Studies teachers this chat has it all. It is on Monday night 6-7 CT.

#engchat- English teachers can chat on Monday night from 6-7CT, too.

#edchat- This is for teachers all over the world on Tuesdays from 6-7 CT.

#tlap- This chat is after the book, Teach Like A Pirate, and it is for all educators on Monday at 8CT.

#edtechcat- edTECHchat is on topics with Technology in Education on Mondays from 7-8CT.

#mathchat- This math chat is for teachers and students everywhere. It is on Thursdays at 7 CT.

#1stchat- First grade teachers this chat is for you on Sundays at 7 CT.

#mschat- Middle School teachers join in on the chat on Thursdays at 7 CT.

#spedchat- For special education teachers, check out this chat on Tuesdays from 8-9 CT. 

#elemchat- Elementary school educators check out this chat on Saturdays at 5 CT.

#sciencechat- Science teachers join in on Wednesdays at 5 CT.

#bisdconnect- Brenham ISD's district-wide chat is the last Thursday of every month from 7-8 CT.

#PEChat- This one is for those PE educators out there. It is every other Monday.

Don't have time to chat? Then why not just see what is posted on these hashtags--
#artsed #arted #artteacher

What chat/hashtag do you like to look at?
