What are you liking the most about BHS right now?
CTE classes and different clubs
What lesson have you enjoyed the most in your classes?
The segment in Coach Cook’s class that involved us making videos about different topics that happened in U.S History.
What technology tool do you most like using in class?
I guess the chrome books. It is really the only thing we can use in class.
What is one thing that you appreciate when teachers do?
When they interact with us instead of just being there and following the lesson plan.
In the past week, what is one new concept to you that you learned in class?
The bones of the human body and what makes them up.
What are you looking forward to this school year?
Honestly, for it to be over.
What are your plans after high school?
I'm going to attend Sam Houston State University and in the long run, I’m hoping to become a Forensic Pathologist.
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