Fab Find Friday: Jeopardy Rocks!!

Fab Find Friday: Jeopardy Rocks!

Are you still using the old powerpoint of Jeopardy version? STOP! There is a new Jeopardy in town. Ms. Erin Daniels (the art teacher at Brenham High School) found this awesome website that she uses to play Jeopardy in the classroom.

You can decide if you want your team to be one, two, three, or four teams. There are different vegetables for mascots. You can click the check if the team gets it right, and you can click the "x" if the team gets the wrong answer. It will keep track of the "money" (points) each team has acquired. Create your own Jeopardy game simply from questions you already have.

Be sure to try out Jeopardy Rocks here.
