Monday Reflections with Students: Thomas Luna

Monday Reflections with Thomas Luna

What are you liking the most about BHS right now?
How each day is going faster and faster.

What lesson have you enjoyed the most in your classes?
AP Calculus because it is preparing me for what I want to be after college.

What technology tool do you most like using in class?
Google Chromebook

What is one thing that you appreciate when teachers do?
They show that they actually care about your education and are really trying to help you understand the lessons.

In the past week, what is one new concept to you that you learned in class?
We learned in English about the History of the English that we use today and where its origin is and the way the language has adapted over time.

What are you looking forward to this school year?
the graduation ceremony

What are your plans after high school?
I plan to go to Blinn College for the Engineering Program.
