TTESS Thursday: Engaging the Students

TTESS Thursday: Engaging Students

If you remember back to January, we talked to different administrators about how to move from proficient to accomplished. Here's the blog post about it, in case you forgot-

 In Mrs. Morgan's video, she explains how it is important to engage our students. It is important to make the lesson student centered versus teacher centered.

How can we engage our students more?
  • STATIONS- stations can be implemented at any grade level. Have students rotate through each station around the room.
  • ASK- ask students their opinion on a topic they are learning. Let their driving questions lead to independent research tasks.
  • PUZZLE- puzzle the students with a startling fact or intriguing question. Let the students research the answer to the question or the fact.
  • GAMES- students love playing games. Add in a Kahoot, Quizizz, or a Flippity game to review concepts or learn a topic.
  • COMPETITION- host a debate, make a scavenger hunt, or have some type of contest where there is a winner.
  • CREATE- let the students create what they know. The more hands-on creations you let the students do, the more engaged they will be.
  • NEW- do something new or that you would never do to change things up like change your seating, let the students draw on their desk, have class outside, play charades with vocabulary words, try that tech tool you always wanted to try- BrainRush, Aww Web Whiteboard, etc.
