T-TESS Thursday: Applying Learning to the Real-World to SURVIVE

Applying Learning to Real-World Applications to Survive These Last Few Weeks

In our blog post here, Dr. Schoener talks about teachers showing where the learning can be taken and applying it to real-world applications in order to move from proficient to accomplished. Here's his interview-

Now, more than ever, our students are disengaged. It is the end of the year and dreams of the beach, water, sand, and the sun float through our students' heads (and, let's be honest, maybe our heads, too). How can we engage the students these last few weeks? Apply what you are learning to the real-world.

According to the TeacherHub.com's article on "Top 12 Ways to Bring the Real World into Your Classroom" by Kim Haynes, your students who are usually not interested in your lessons "may respond to a dose of 'real life' reality" (Haynes)

How do you do that (some ideas were shared from Haynes's article here and some were observed from classroom teachers at Brenham ISD)?

  • Invite visitors into your classroom (older or younger students, engineers, video programmers, doctors, etc.)
  • Take students on a virtual field trip with 360 photos on Google Maps.
  • Bring in photos of places you have visited that relates to your lesson. 
  • Google Expeditions app also has amazing photos you can show your students of lots of places around the world.
  • Bring in a real newspaper, and use the facts and numbers to go into your problems.
Haynes, K. (n.d.). Top 12 Ways to Bring the Real World into Your Classroom. Retrieved May 03, 2017, from http://www.teachhub.com/top-12-ways-bring-real-world-your-classroom

Do you have any other ideas to add to the list? Tell us in the comments, and we will add it to our list.
