Monday Reflections: Educator, Colyncia Powell, @ColynciaPowell

Monday Reflections with 4th Grade Educator,
Colyncia Powell, @ColynciaPowell

What do you enjoy most right now about your campus?
Everyone works so well together, we are all a team.  It's nice knowing that you can depend on multiple people around the school.  We have great communication amongst the staff and complete appreciation of each other and our roles.  The leadership is awesome here at Alton Elementary School, the positive leadership truly sets the tone on this campus.

Describe a recent lesson that you have enjoyed?
I really enjoyed teaching my students multiples of ten.  Once they saw the pattern it was like they discovered gold!  They grew in confidence and truly saw the connections.  They knew they could do so much more in mathematics with that one strategy.

What technology tool do you like using most in class right now?
I LOVE using Google Classroom.  It makes it so much easier to get the assignments to the students.  A break from paper and pencil.  Much easier to give feedback to each individual student.  Helps build confidence in the students that struggle with technology.  Easy tool to use and learn for all students in my classroom.

Image result for google classroom

What is something that your admin does that you appreciate?
Wow, there's a lot of things... I can't really just give one.  My principal (Mr. Ogg, @PrincipalOgg) helps me see my potential.  He's incredibly encouraging and makes coming to work fun.  He treats us all as an equal.  Mr. Ogg makes you feel comfortable about your mistakes and continues to help you improve upon them.  Also, our AP, Rachel Peterson (@AES_AP_Peterson) is so efficient!  She gets stuff DONE!  She's always willing to lend a hand and assist in the classroom.

In the past month, what is a new teaching philosophy, idea, strategy, or pedagogy you have tried to adapt in your classroom?
I'm trying to reward good behavior more instead of focusing just on the bad behavior.  I'm also trying to get more student-centered in my classroom.  I want them to collaborate more, talk more, and be more successful individually.  I'm trying to build autonomy into my students.  I also use Class Dojo for immediate feedback and behavior management.

What are you looking forward to most this school year?
I'm excited about being able to integrate technology a lot more into my lessons.  I want my students to use it more.  Instead of just throwing them on a game or website, I want them to be more creative.  I'd also like to try to integrate Skype and/or Google Hangouts into my lessons.  I'd like to conduct joint virtual lessons with other 4th grade classrooms and also vertical lessons with both 5th and 3rd-grade classrooms.
Suggestion for new educators:
Forming relationships is very important to have with your students.  Once they realize that everything comes from a place of love and respect it makes the classroom environment much more manageable.  Everything just flows. 


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