Monday Reflections: Educator, Paola Salgado, @Psalgado91

Monday Reflections with Elementary Educator,
Paola Salgado@Psalgado91

What do you enjoy most right now about your campus?
I really like the comradery that we have going on at KES.  Great conversations are happening and very successful planning times.  Lots of laughter and respect.  

Describe a recent lesson that you have enjoyed?
I really enjoyed teaching and talking about Daniel Boone.  I borrowed a coonskin hat from my colleague Shelby Parker and wore it all day long.  This lasting image helped my students connect with the information they were learning, they really enjoyed actively moving around the room as they followed me through my journey across the Cumberland Gap.

(At the time of this interview, the students were asked by Ms. Salgado, "Alright class, who was Daniel Boone?"  ALL the students started describing everything they learned about Daniel Boone in great detail and with lots of enthusiasm.)  

The students could actually relate to the content by exposing them to the actual hat, outfit, etc.  

What technology tools do you like using most in class right now?
I love using Google Classroom.  It gives them so much independence when doing their work.  They have the ability to go back through and watch videos, see instruction, and complete assignments.  It's easy to input components from other apps such as Fluency Tutor.  This assigns them a reading passage that they have to listen to them and then record themselves reading it.  As the teacher, it allows me to give them instant feedback on their fluency, pronunciation, and speed.  

Image result for fluency tutor app

What is something that your admin does that you appreciate?
I really enjoy that we get communication such as newsletters of upcoming events.

In the past month, what is a new teaching philosophy, idea, strategy, or pedagogy you have tried to adapt in your classroom?
I've really tried to incorporate more technology into my classroom as a tool for language acquisition, there are a lot of ways for students for students to get exposed to written and spoken media. We are always living our best lives in Room 26! 

What are you looking forward to most this school year?
I'm looking forward to the progress my students make this year, especially after having most of them for two consecutive years. Not only will I see them make academic gains, but I will also see them gain language proficiency and the confidence to tackle academic challenges.

Suggestion for new educators:
GET TO KNOW YOUR KIDS! Building relationships is really the first way to gain access to a child's academic abilities. Another would be to get to know your team and learn from their experience so you can make your classroom successful. 

