Tech Tip Thursday: "Create Question" in Google Classroom

Create Question in Google Classroom

Are you utilizing the "Create Question" option in Google Classroom? If you are not, then it is time to start using it. 
Remember, that this option is under the plus sign (second from the top). In the Create Question, you can assign instructions, add a due date, add a topic, schedule it to come out, attach an attachment or link, ask a multiple choice or short answer question, and you have options to let students comment to each other.
What can you do with the "Create Question" part? Get creative! One English teacher I talked to was using it as their journal entry. The teacher would post the topic/question in "Create Question" section, and then the students would respond.

Another idea was a government teacher had students write amendments, had students post their amendments under "Create Question" section, and then students had to comment on each other's amendments.

Other ideas for using "Create Question" in your classroom--
reading an article, responding to the article, and responding to each other's comments
multiple choice or short answer exit ticket
warm up with review question
book study questions
debate topics

*Asking the students to comment on each other's comments is a skill that they will utilize in college. Lots of times in college courses, students will have to respond to their readings and comment on each other's comments. Why not prepare our students to be successful in analyzing and responding to each other in college?

Looking for some more ways to use "Create Question" in your classroom? Click this link here to check out another post on using this feature.

Do you have other ideas for using the "Create Question" in Google Classroom? If so, let us know!
