Monday Reflections: Educator, Jordan Kapchinski @JKapchinski16

Monday Reflections with Elementary Educator,
Jordan Kapchinski, @JKapchinski16

What do you enjoy most right now about your campus?
The collaboration of my team this year! Although this is my second year on this team we have become more of a family since last year! I cannot wait to see what the years hold for us for the Kindergarten team of Alton! 

Describe a recent lesson that you have enjoyed?
We recently explored our five senses and had some pretty awesome experiments so they could use their five senses! We had a "smell" experiment where they first predicted what they thought was in each container by using their nose! Once they made their prediction we described what we thought it was and checked our prediction! It was super fun for the student to see that they predicted right or maybe their nose tricked them! 

What technology tools do you like using most in class right now?
Screencast-O Matic! My students love to know that they are being recorded and their parents can watch it at home! This is still brand new to me, so we have done a few lessons and posted them on our Google Classroom, so they can watch them at home as well! I want for my lessons in class with the students to be a great resource for them as well as their parents at home! 

What is something that your admin does that you appreciate?
Our admin leaders here at Alton ROCKS! They treat and support us like family on our good and bad days! Something I really appreciate is when Mr. Ogg always reminds us each day is a new day, so make it count no matter what happened yesterday! 

In the past month, what is a new teaching philosophy, idea, strategy, or pedagogy you have tried to adapt in your classroom?
This year I am trying flexible seating in KINDERGARTEN! I believe they are very capable to handle it with guidance, so we have been practicing throughout the day in short spurts and our goal is to be fully in flexible seating by Christmas break!  I believe that the students deserve to be comfortable in their learning environment and to support them to do their best! 

What are you looking forward to most this school year?
I can not wait to see how well and successful my two goals for class! Goal one was to integrate more technology in my stations and class (Screencast-O Matic was a huge one I wanted to accomplish this year) and my second goal was to be a successful flexible seating classroom! I wanted to better myself as an educator so I can better my students in their learning! 

Suggestion for new educators:
Always remember to reflect on your great and tough days, this is when you learn the most about yourself as an educator! Most important NEVER forget why you are a teacher, who you want to mold those little minds and that they need you more than what they show! Love them like your own and never give up on them! 
