Monday Reflections: Educator, Sara Gresham, @Gresham_Kinder

Monday Reflections with Elementary Educator,
Sara Gresham, @Gresham_Kinder

What do you enjoy most right now about your campus?
I love that we are a family, we all work well together.

Describe a recent lesson that you have enjoyed?
We did a great science lesson on apples.  Using the apple, we explored our 5 senses.  We also integrated math into our lesson by graphing our favorite type of apple.  My kids were super excited and enjoyed exploring various types of apples.  

What technology tools do you like using most in class right now?
I love using our touch screen Chromebooks and utilizing my Smartboard during classroom instruction.  My students use them independently for our math and reading group stations.  My students are also able to use the Smartboard in small groups.  They enjoy the freedom of being able to use the Smartboard independently. 

[Note from Instructional Specialist, Tom Spall: "The touch screen Chromebooks were new to the classrooms at the beginning of the 16/17 school year.  The Technology Department placed 2 touch screen Chromebooks in all PK (17/18), Kinder, and First-grade classrooms.  The Chromebooks are signed into Kiosk mode, which then open directly to a Symbaloo splash page with apps/sites specific to each grade level."]

What is something that your admin does that you appreciate?
I really like that they listen to the staff.  They value our opinions and they truly make us feel appreciated. 

In the past month, what is a new teaching philosophy, idea, strategy, or pedagogy you have tried to adapt in your classroom?
In regards to behavior we are trying to focus more on the positive attributes and behaviors of each individual student.  This seems to be working very well.  This is one of the core aspects of our campus based PBIS behavior program.

What are you looking forward to most this school year?
Watching my students grow both intellectually and emotionally.  

Suggestion for new educators:
Be organized!  Be as organized as possible.  Plan ahead, be prepared, and keep your materials in order.  This helps with classroom management, planning, teaching, and much more.  If you start falling behind with your organization, everything else seems to get off track too.  So, it's a great idea to focus on being organized every day.

