Engagement Strategies
Last Saturday as I was perusing Twitter, I saw this awesome post on engagement strategies. When I clicked on the image, I found that it came from www.teachertrap.com. Here is the image from Teacher Trap:
Sometimes in teaching, you want to change it up. How can you do this? Pick a rectangle in this chart, and try it out.
Here are some resources that I compiled into a companion table, to the chart above, to get you started (click on the links below)--
Jigsaw: Click here to learn how to do Jigsaw in your classroom. Use this resource when students are doing Jigsaw.
Gallery Walk: Click here to learn how to do a gallery walk, and check out the elementary and secondary gallery walk handouts.
Debate: Debate resources here.
Think Pair Share: template here
Quiz, Quiz, Trade: Directions and resources here.
Games: Use Flippity to play a memory game, BINGO, crossword, hangman, quiz show, and more.
Graffiti Wall: Directions for a Graffiti Wall and an example here.
Corner Call or Four Corners: Video, Explanation, and templates here.
In-Out Circle: Steps and Tips here
Mix to Music: Read the blog post about how to do this here.
Learning Coach: Also known as collaborative learning- read about it here. Other helpful ideas and tips for ELLs and GT students here.
Mirror: Check out the ppt on Whole Brain Teaching. Especially slide 27 on the mirror strategy.
Rate It: Check out this blog post on students rating themselves here. Also, here are some great rubric makers.
Response Cards: Response card ideas on Pinterest here. Also, check out this A, B, C, D printable template here.
Simulation: Ways to bring real-world experiences in the classroom here.
Song: Using songs in the classroom ideas here.
I hope this companion chart helps, and I hope it gives you some fresh ideas to try. Cannot wait to hear what you try in your classroom.
What a great idea, Daniel! I didn't even think about using ThingLink with this. I love Thinglink!