Teaching Tip Tuesday: Going Non-Digital With A "Bandit Board"

Bandit Board
Going Nondigital With Staff Shout-Outs

A bandit board is a centrally located nondigital board posted up in the teacher lounge or main office of a campus.  Teachers steal ideas they have seen in other classrooms, from their PLN online (Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook), or stuff they have seen in the hallways.  

They then take those ideas, take a photo (if needed), and write up a quick reflection/shout-out onto a piece of paper or sticky note.  They then post it up on the board while also shouting out the other educator they stole it from.  

Example: I once saw a great read-aloud going on in a kinder classroom with puppets.  So I took a pic, wrote up a sticky note about it and threw it up on the nondigital board for all to see!

This was a great way to learn about other educators on your campus and hear about the amazing things they are doing instructionally in their classrooms.  

I loved sharing out my peers ideas and/or strategies... but, I also loved when other educators shared about things I was doing instructionally in my classroom.  This is a fun, easy way to do this.  It's also great that parents, admin, and community members that enter your school can also see these great ideas being shared!

Want to take a bandit board digital?  Use Padlet or FlipGrid and share the link out to your staff!  Add ideas and shoutouts to this type of digital bandit board!  "View Links" can be shared out to other schools, districts, community members, and/or your PLN.


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Tom Spall
Troy Kuhn
Brittni Branton
