Monday Reflections: Educator, Lyndsey Kubos, @lyndseykubos

Monday Reflections: 
Educator, Lyndsey Kubos, @lyndseykubos

What do you enjoy most right now about your campus?

I love that we are a family. We help each other out when needed and we work well together.

Describe a recent lesson that you have enjoyed?

We used Flipgrid to practice recording our summary's so we could make sure that our writing made sense. After writing a summary over a chosen book, each student recorded themselves using Flipgrid and listened to it again following along in their writing and making corrections to clarify their summary.

What technology tools do you like using most in class right now?

In my class, we use Chromebooks on a daily basis. We also use our Google Chromecast on a daily basis too!

What is something that your admin does that you appreciate?

Our administration team listens to us as staff members and make as many things happen for us as possible. They also show appreciation to us frequently.

In the past month, what is a new teaching philosophy, idea, strategy, or pedagogy you have tried to adapt in your classroom?

In the past month, I have tried to do more student talk versus teacher talk. This allows the students to talk and collaborate. Student talk also leads to students teaching other students which is the highest form of questioning/learning.

What are you looking forward to most this school year?

I am looking forward to watching my students grow academically and behaviorally. I have already seen tremendous growth and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year brings.

Suggestion(s) for new educators:

As a new educator always be willing to accept suggestions for things going on in your classroom. Reflect on your lessons DAILY, make changes when needed, and above all treat each child as if they were your own. NEVER EVER give up on them, remind them that each day is a brand new day. Yesterday is the past and you can always start each day as a new day and make it better than the day before!

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