Teaching Tip Tuesday: Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Come True!
You have made your resolutions for the new year: eat better, exercise more, get healthy, use more technology, have better classroom management, listen to your students more, let students have a choice, make lessons more engaging, call more parents, etc.
Now, the big question is how do you actually follow through on your new year’s resolutions?
1. Write down your new year’s resolutions.
According to an Elite Daily article titled, 5 Reasons Why Writing Down Goals Increases the Odds of Achieving Them by Damian Pros, Pros says that people that don’t write down their goals “tend to fail easier than the ones who have plans.” Write your goals down, so you won’t fail.
2. Make your goals visible.
Write your goals somewhere that you will see them and be reminded of what your goals are for the year. Put them on your bathroom mirror you use to get ready, a door you go through everyday, or on your laptop background.
3. Have checkpoints.
Give yourself checkpoints throughout the year to check on how your goals are coming along. Set a reminder on your calendar phone or write it down on a paper calendar when you need to reflect on your goals. Check every other week or check every month how you are doing. Journaling is one way to see how much you have progressed, too.
4. Stick to it. Don’t Give up.
Too easily we just give up on our goals. Don’t let that happen. Hold yourself accountable.
5. Set a prize for accomplishing your goal.
Kids work for prizes, so why shouldn’t adults work for prizes? Once you have completed one of your new year’s resolutions, reward yourself. Catherine Beard writes on The Blissful Mind, give yourself “a trip or vacation, or maybe it’s something small like ‘when I accomplish this step, I’ll let myself binge watch Netflix” (Beard).
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