What's Up Wednesday: EdCamp Grow on Feb. 24th, 2018

Come join us on February 24, 2018, for our 3rd annual EdCamp Grow in Brenham ISD.  

EdCamp Grow is open to ALL school districts and community members.

Registration is now open: bit.ly/growbisd
Please register prior to the event on Feb. 24, 2018.

EdCamp is a form of unconference designed specifically for educators and their needs. What makes EdCamp an unconference? Unlike traditional conferences which have schedules set months in advance by the people running the conference, EdCamp has an agenda that's created by the participants at the start of the event.

EdCamps Are:
  • Non-commercial and conducted with a vendor-free presence
  • Hosted by any organization interested in furthering the EdCamp mission
  • Made up of sessions that are determined on the day of the event by the participants
  • Events where anyone who attends can facilitate a session
  • Reliant on the “law of two feet” that encourages participants to find a session that meets their needs
