Monday Motivation: Showcasing Student Success

There are many ways to showcase student achievement and success in regards to academics, following procedures, or being respectful campus citizens.  Below are a couple of examples we implement in Brenham ISD that we'd like to share with you.
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At Brenham Elementary (@BrenhamElem), once a month during the school year, the campus administration goes around and hands out these awesome Student of the Month yard signs to one deserving student from each grade level.  The students are nominated by teachers from each grade level and then the nominees are selected from a drawing.  It's a thrilling surprise to have your campus admin show up at your doorstep and present you with this sign.  The students LOVE it just as much as the admin team LOVES handing out the awards! 

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At Krause Elementary (@KrauseElem), kids can earn bingo bucks following school procedures and being great campus citizens.  When students earn bingo bucks, they can turn it in each morning for a pencil.  They also draw for a random number which corresponds to a place on a large bingo board located in the office.  After a bingo is created either vertically, horizontally or diagonally (13 spaces) all 13 students receive a snowcone recess party!  The board is then reset.  A "bingo" is reached about every 3 weeks based on the number of bingo bucks given out.  At the end of the 6 weeks, each student who has received at least one bingo buck is entered into a drawing to win a Razor scooter and helmet.  

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At Brenham Elementary School (@BrenhamElem), students are nominated for a "Vest VIP Award" on a weekly basis.  All nominations are due by Friday.  Each Friday student nominees are drawn for a chance to win an award and come down to the principal's office for a group VIP photo.  VIP nominations can come from both teachers and other students.  VIP student nominees are seen/caught exemplifying core values during that week to receive a nomination.

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At Alton Elementary (@AltonElementary), students are selected to receive a Kindness Award.  Students are nominated by teachers and then slected to receive a Kindness Award, have their picture taken, and given a shout-out on all social media school accounts.   

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How do you or your campus showcase student success?  Share with us on Twitter with the hashtag: #bisdwired and please tag our team account, @BISDwiredTeam!
