Flashback Friday: Tech Shopping Guide Interview with the BISD Technicians (UPDATED 11/19/21)

UPDATED for 2021: Right before Thanksgiving, we asked our technicians about shopping for technology over Black Friday. They had some awesome advice. 

We added Grant, Marcus, and Josh's advice-

Do you prefer a PC or a MAC?
Josh- a PC because it is cheaper
Grant- PC is more flexibile with gaming

Do you prefer a touchscreen on a laptop?
Josh- depends on the situation
Grant- No preference, but I would choose a touchscreen, if I have the option.

Do you prefer touchscreen on a Chromebook?
Josh- try to go with a touchscreen
Grant- no touchscreen because it is not always built well

What advice can you give on purchasing a Chromebook?
Josh- chromebooks are good as a media device to carry around, but if you need more power or functionality, then use a laptop
Grant- look for good built quality (sturdy)
Marcus- a regular Chromebook: minimum 4GB RAM, 32 GB of storage, and minimum celeron processor, a mid-grade sweet spot: 8GB RAM, 128 GB of storage, intel i5 processor, and a premium Chromebook: 16 GB RAM, 512 GB storage, and intel i7 processor

Any other advice?
Josh- always keep your reciept
Grant- When you look for a laptop, look for the actual MSRP and do not buy it at an inflated price. Also, look for a quad processor, 8GB of RAM, and 256 GB of storage at the least.

Do you still need gifts for Christmas? Here is what they said when it comes to buying technology devices:
