Web Tool Wednesday: UPDATE on ClassroomScreen

Web Tool Wednesday: UPDATE on ClassroomScreen

We all love using ClassroomScreen because we can put a timer, notes, a random generator, a clock, and more up on our screen all at the same time to help our students and ourselves stay on track.

Before the winter break, I was in Ms. Seilheimer's room, and I noticed her ClassroomScreen looked a little different. She had the fireplace background GIF on her ClassroomScreen. It looked so relaxing and like Christmas in her room because the fire was actually moving.

ClassroomScreen now has GIFs that you can use as your background screen. If you click on backgrounds, you will now notice that there are a variety of GIFs on the right side. Click one and see for yourself how pretty and neat the GIF backgrounds are on your screen.

Check out this waterfall GIF-
