Fab Find Friday: Seeing AI App

Fab Find Friday: Seeing AI App

Last week at TCEA, we found out about a cool app. This app can do all kinds of cool things.

You can hold your phone over text, and it will read the text out loud. This is great for students who need to have text read out loud to them. It can read documents, too.

You can hold it over a bar-code to know what type of product you are looking at.

You can even hold the phone app over money to know the estimation of currency value.

One of the fun features is you can hold the app over a person to have an estimation of the age of a person. 

*The app is constantly getting new and other features to try out too.

Description of app from website-
"A free app that narrates the world around you. Designed for the low vision community, this research project harnesses the power of AI to describe people, text and objects"
