Tech Tip Thursday: Reminder on Taking a Screenshot
As we start our new school year, we wanted to remind you how to take a screenshot on your laptop and Chromebook. We thought this might be helpful for those who forgot or those who just needed a reminder. Then we wanted to show you an "added bonus" reminder. There are several different ways, but these are our favorite!
What do you need to know this for?
Do you have a PDF that you want to show students? Screenshot it!
Do you have a website you want to show students? Screenshot it!
Do you not need the whole document? Screenshot it!
How do I screenshot on my Windows PC Laptop?
1. Go to the Windows button in the bottom left of the screen.
2. Start typing snipping tool.
3. Click on snipping tool to open it.
4. Any time you need to snip something, you can click new to turn your cursor into a snipping tool.
5. Then you can save or copy the image.
**You can add to your snip with highlighter or pen, and you can delay your snip.
How do I screenshot on my Chromebook?
Use your keyboard shortcuts!
1. Click on Ctrl + window switcher button to take a screenshot of entire page.
2. Click on Ctrl+Shift+ window switcher button to take a picture of a partial part of the screen.
3. The images will be saved in the Downloads folder.
Your Added Bonus:
*Use Awesome Screenshot extension (screenshot with awesome annotations).
*Use Gyazo (download it to laptop only) to screenshot the screen and make it into a GIF.
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