Remote Learning and Face to Face Learning at the Same Time
Our schools are offering face to face and remote learning at the same time. This has been a hard task. Keeping up with remote learners and face to face learners is time consuming, but our teachers are doing it gracefully, somehow (props to all those great teachers).
I searched everywhere for research or articles on teaching remote and face to face learning at the same time. My goal was to find an article online or on Twitter where I could give tips to teachers. However, there is not a lot of literature out there. I stumbled upon this one recent article here by Catlin Tucker.
In her article, she explains how there is not a lot of research created on this topic yet. What I can tell you is research says that students will be lost or drop out of remote learning, if they feel disconnected. I would normally give you advice about how to get your remote learners engaged, but what I know is that it is difficult to engage your remote learners when you are trying to engage your face to face learners in front of you at the same time.
Here are the tips that I accumulated:
Do you have a weekly or daily agenda on the board for your face to face learners? Snap a picture of that agenda and send it to your remote learners. Weekly or daily agendas help remote learners feel connected.
Have a designated time at least once a week where you can virtually check in with your remote learners so you do not lose them. Post that time so parents and students know.
Create a station rotation model inside your classroom to rotate through your face to face and remote learners. Here’s an awesome Google Slide template free to use by Stephanie DeMichele.
Use Padlet, Google Classroom Question Post, Answer Garden, Mentimeter, or any discussion board platform to create a discussion with online and face to face students. This helps your remote and face to face students stay socially connected.
Create a Remind account with your parents/students of face to face and remote learners. This will help you keep in contact with the learners feeling lost.
The plan is to keep searching for tips and tricks to share with teachers who are doing both face to face and remote learning as we continue to move in uncharted waters. Please let me know if you have any good ideas to share (about teaching remote and face to face at the same time)- @BrittniTech on Twitter.
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