Check Up Friday: Are We Prepared for Quarantine and/or Shut-Down Tech Wise? no way am I saying that a quarantine or shut-down will happen again, but I just want to make sure we are prepared this time around. I pray that it does not happen again, and I am not wishing it to happen. I am simply wanting to make sure we are covering our bases. With cases on the rise, it just creeps in the back of your mind.
Here's my checklist for teachers:
*Do we have all of our students in our Google Classrooms?
*Do we have our students on a system like Remind, so we can text out to check on them?
*Do we have a link to Google Meet with our students that is accessible in Google Classroom?
Here's my checklist for students:
*Do you know how to log into Google Classrom, find your assignments, and submit your assignments? -check out our student resources here
*Do you know who to contact if you need a loaner Chromebook, your Chromebook breaks, or you are locked out of your G-Suite account? -call or email our technology department
Ultimate Goal:
*We do not want to lose out on instructional days; we want to pick up right where we left off.
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